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cream first, people first
Labour's candidate for Torridge & Tavistock
Keep updated on the latest news, campaigns and how to support Isabel Saxby on Twitter (@IsabelSaxbyUK).
Exciting Announcement! 🇬🇧
— Isabel Saxby (@IsabelSaxbyUK) March 15, 2024
I am honoured to be chosen as the Labour Party candidate for Torridge & Tavistock.
With deep roots in West Devon, I'm committed to representing our community's needs. From championing our farming community to tackling housing & healthcare.
My leaflet, my pledges to the people of Torridge & Tavistock. #creamfirst, #labour, #devon, #torridge, #tavistock, #election
— Isabel Saxby (@IsabelSaxbyUK) May 24, 2024
In Torridge and Tavistock it’s predicted to be this close between me and the Conservatives.
— Isabel Saxby (@IsabelSaxbyUK) May 29, 2024
For the first time in history let’s get a local, active, and committed Labour MP. Let’s do this! #VoteIsabelSaxby #CreamFirstPeopleFirst
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Devon County Council have resorted to bullying tactics, and threatened staff with Fire & Rehire if they don’t agree to cuts to terms & conditions. GMB organiser and CLP TULO officer Jake Mclean has been at the forefront of calling out this adherent tactic used by DCC. Sign the petition ...calling on DCC to stop this threat.
Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge gender equality.
International Women's Day (IWD) is a holiday celebrated ...annually as a focal point in the women's rights movement. International Women's Day gives focus to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.
IWD has been around for over a hundred years, as have many of the issues still impacting women's advancement. Since 1911, IWD belongs to all who care about women's equality. Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to forge gender parity. All IWD activity is valid, that's what makes IWD so inclusive. #IWD25 #genderequality #reproductiverights
125 years ago today, trade unions and socialist groups came together to form the Labour Representation Committee—the first step towards the party that would change Britain forever.
What started with a motion from railway workers in Doncaster led to a meeting in London, where delegates ...united behind Keir Hardie’s call for a Labour voice in Parliament. They won just two seats in 1900—but they built a movement that would go on to win for working people time and time again.
125 years on, our mission hasn’t wavered. The Labour Party is the party for working people, and our Plan for Change is delivering real and meaningful change.
#ForTheMany The Labour Party #happybirthdaytome GMB Wales & South West Torridge District Council Devon County Council #workersrights
Quick! Flick channels now
We’re guessing a disgruntled DEI Apple coder pulled this ‘Trump’ card after the #TangerineTyrant issued an Executive Order pulling all Diversity, Equality and Inclusion programmes. Haven’t stopped laughing all day.
#TrumpIsRacist #Trumpcard #AppleAI #revengeAI #dei
#inclusion... #diversity #equity #diversityandinclusion #diversityequityinclusion #equality #inclusionmatters #diversitymatters #socialjustice #northdevon #diversityequityandinclusion #community #genderequality #StandUpToRacism #bideford #representationmatters #inclusivity #lgbtq #eastthewater

Experts have questioned the company's explanation that it is due to the two words being similar. Davy the chief executive of Pennon, the parent company of South West Water has appeared before a parliamentary committee.
Pennon chief executive Susan Davy said the parasite outbreak had been "a really horrible time" for ...Brixham residents despite having no first hand knowledge of that as she never personally addressed a single resident.
Despite SWW’s appalling record on sewage spills Ms Davy said her annual salary had been increased by about £300,000, leading to a £860,000 pay package last year.
Dividend payments to shareholders are also up by 265%. Payouts in 2022-23 were £12M leaping to a staggering £45M in 2023/24.
Yet according to recent reports, our South West Water bills are set to rise by 28% this April.
There were 194 individual pollution incidents across the group between 2023 and 2024.
Labour and Cooperative MP Jayne Kirkham, who represents Truro and Falmouth, told Ms Davy bathing water quality was "getting worse".
Davy replied, “We have hundreds of treatment works and thousands of pumping stations and, from time to time, things do go wrong."
194 incidents is not time to time. It’s 4 times a week.
These companies are more interested in their bottom line and their stakeholders than the environment and their customers. We need to hold them to account.
#taxtherich #watercrisis #waterquality #flood #sewagepollution #southwest

Susan Davy says May's parasite contamination of water in Devon was "devastating" for residents. IN TOUCH
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